Welcome to my blog! This blog is a tool that I am using in an effort to lose weight. My hope is that by publicly tracking my weight and my efforts to reduce it, I will do just that. However, there is more to my life than just trying to lose weight. Along the way, I will share some of that also. Thanks for reading.

About Me

My photo
South Jordan, Utah
I am the husband of one,and the father of four. Most days I even like them all. I love them every day.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


This morning after successfully getting the kids ready and off to school, I was left with an open hour to get in a little calorie burn.  And by successful, I mean nobody was killed.  You that have kids, know just what I mean.  Two of my most dreaded daily activities are; getting kids ready in the morning, and getting them ready for bed at night.  Are there any other times during the day when kids listen to you less, than those two?  I feel like I just keep repeating myself while they run around trying to get me to chase and tickle them.  I resist the temptation to chase, sometimes, because I know that at the end of the chase it's not tickles that is going to be waiting for them. But, happy to report we are all alive and well today.  And I am not writing this from my prison cell.

Having just a short time to get a burn in before I had to go to my eye exam, I opted for a run.  I mentioned that I feel lucky to have the lake at Daybreak so close to our house.  It has a nice, paved pathway, that is about 3.5 miles around the lake.  For me, running along side a lake has a magical effect.  It has the ability to remove some of the pain from my body while I run.  It must be the lake.  Because, later in the day when I am at home, the pain comes back.  I did manage to sneak in a few pictures of my run.  I hope you guys don't mind all the pictures.  I just bought a new camera, and I'm having fun with it.  The views aren't quite as nice as my last bike ride, but they're not bad for a neighborhood run. (as always, click to enlarge)

Not gonna lie, some days this is the best view out there

I'm not the fastest runner, yet.  So with my hour run, I only get in just under 4.5 miles.  Sometimes it's good to be a big guy though.  That effort left 790 calories out there melting on the hot asphalt.  I'm not going to miss them.  In fact, I hope a seagull flies over them.

Speaking of running fast, you have probably noticed a section to the right for blog records.  If you have a time better than those posted, or a time for one that remains unclaimed, let me know.  This is your chance to be recognized as a record holder.  Be rewarded for your hard work.  You can tell everyone at work that you hold a published record.  WOW!  Let me give a shout out to my baby sister who just completed her first marathon.  To my knowledge, she is the only one in my family to have done so.  Proud of you Crash!

After a successful eye exam, and success here has nothing to do with my eye doctor still being alive and untickled, it was time for a picnic.  My youngest son, Chase, had a picnic planned with his preschool.

Heidi and Chase
 This was something that Chase has been looking forward to all week.  Every day he would ask how many more days until the picnic.  And this morning, he was ready to go as soon as he was dressed.  I had to keep telling him that we still had to wait a couple of hours.  He was so excited to go, that he volunteered to turn of The Little Einsteins, so that we could leave.  The only problem was that it was still, only 8:30.  It's fun to see him so excited about something though.  He was so excited that both Mom and Dad were going to be there with him.  After lunch, all of the kids just play together on the playground for awhile.  Chase must have thought the other kids were trying to get him dressed and brush his teeth.  He spent his time trying to bait them into chasing him around.  It was cute to watch them interact with each other.

After the picnic at Butterfield Park we came home and practiced making sno-cones.  We wanted to have a lot of practice.  We wanted to be able to make really good ones for the older kids when they came home from school.  A picnic at the park, and sno-cones.  If you ask Chase, we won the day, today.  I agree.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Those of you that have been loyal readers, having followed this blog from the beginning, know that I don't often hand out awards.  In fact, I have never given one out.  Awards are often times given out too easily these days.  They have no value because little was done to earn them. 

For example, when I played little league baseball, not everyone got a trophy at the end of the season (unlike today).  If you wanted a trophy, you had to work for it all season.  I wasn't awarded the 'Best Batter' trophy for the Aurora Farm Team in 1977 or 78 (I think) just because my brother was the coach. Did I Leland?  I earned that trophy.  Coaching did play a part though.  I remember a game in Salina, after one of my many home runs, striking out my next at bat on only 3 pitches.  Walking back to the dugout, the caring coach put his arm around my shoulders and said, "they could have rolled that to you on the ground and you would have swung at it".  A coach is always hardest on his best player.  This was just an example. Possibly a poor one. I am not against little kids all getting a trophy.

But today I am presenting the first WTD award.  These awards will be presented on occasion to someone that inspires and helps me to Win The Day.  This first award I am presenting to Randi, my spinning instructor.

What qualifies Randi for this award?  Let me list some of her qualifications.
  1. She's a friend.  Look at that picture taken after class this morning.  She obviously made me work pretty hard.  But when it's all over and I am done silently cursing her to myself, we can still stand by each other and smile.  Probably more important is that on a couple of occasions she has also helped me with gifts for Heidi. Thanks for your friendship.
  2. She turned me on.  Let me clarify that one.  She turned me on to cycling.  At the time I met her she was leading classes at the South Jordan Rec Center.  My trainer that I was working out with suggested that I attend one of Randi's classes.  I resisted for a few weeks, scared of any formal classes in which I would look old and out of shape in front of other people.  But I finally went, and my life changed.  The classes were fun! Hard, but fun.  Had Randi not been able to make it fun, I would have left and never gone back.  We have gone to other teachers classes and not gone back. After a few weeks of attending her classes and getting Heidi to go with me, the next step was to take our riding outside.  But we didn't have any bikes.  I'm sure I speak for the staff at Infinite Cycles in Riverton, in telling Randi thanks.  After spending more than a little bit of money there, cycling has become one of our favorite things to do.  Heidi even began competing in triathlons soon after, and has been killing humiliating her competition. (That's for you Bro., still cracks me up)  Cycling has been something we have been able to enjoy together.  Quality time spent together all because another woman turned me on.  Thanks for inspiring us to take up cycling.
  3. She's not afraid to act on her dreams.  Like I said, when I met her she was working at the SJ Rec Center.  She now owns her own business.  She teaches spinning, yoga, and other classes at her house in West Jordan.  Anyone in the area who wants a fun workout should check her out. No Excuse Fitness  She is currently working towards getting her license as a personal trainer.  In her preparation, she has prepared a list of health tips that I will be sharing over the next few posts.
Let me just thank you again Randi for the friendship and bringing cycling into our lives.  You inspire me to win everyday.

One more thing about spin class this morning.  Look where Heidi positioned herself.  Right in front of me.  She's so competitive.  She has to be in front even on stationary bikes.  Oh sure, they were saying all the right things.  "we can scoot over", "do you want to come up here?"  But I knew what was up.  Do you blame me for staying back there?  Look at those legs.  She definitely motivates me.

After spin class, Heidi and Chase were going to have lunch and spend time with one of Heidi's friends.  The other three kids were in school, leaving me with a free afternoon.  WAHOO!!  What to do with it?  I could stay home and recover from class with a quiet nap.  After all, I had just put in a good effort.  But I knew I would just sit at the computer all afternoon messing with this time trap.  I could drive out to Cabelas for the afternoon.  I can spend hours just walking around that store.  But where would that leave me?  Just wising I had more money to spend on things that I think I need.  And besides, I am running out of places to hide things that I buy there.

I decided to go for a bike ride.  I think I have made it clear by now that I really enjoy bicycling.  Probably the only thing that would make it funner would be to ride somewhere, fish for awhile, then ride back home.  Two of my favorite things.  That's my kind of duathlon.  This is such a beautiful time of the year to ride.  Just look at these pictures from my ride. (click on them to enlarge)

Leaving home. Destination, Butterfield Canyon

The picture at the head of the blog is from today's ride also.  Remembering my number one reason to not start a blog, if someone can instruct me on making it smaller I would appreciate it.  It gave me an option to adjust the width, but not the height.

Twenty-one miles, a lot of hard climbing, and 1800 burned calories later I was back home hoping that I could figure out how to successfully put this all into a post.  Sorry about the pictures.  I have been trying for over an hour to arrange them side by side.  I'm tired of trying.  Hope you enjoy them just the same.

P.S. Hey, I'm learning slowly.  Came back today and figured out how to align the pictures a little better.  It probably helps that it isn't late at night and I'm not tired and frustrated with the computer.

Monday, September 27, 2010


It's official. I'm blogging.  This is something that I have thought about doing for some time now.  I am probably quite normal, in this case.  I think about doing all these different things, cool things, but I don't take them further than just thinking about them. Oh, "some day I will", I tell myself.  That ends today. My blog begins.  I do have some "good" reasons for being hesitant, scared frankly, to start all of this.

1. I am terrible with computers.  Hopefully I will get better with time and make this a fun blog for you the reader as well as for myself.  It has taken me about 3 hours this morning just to get to this point where I can actually post something.  I know it is very plain right now, but someday I hope to learn how to add graphics, pictures, jokes, etc.  This will definitely be a learning experience.

2. I don't want to spend all my free time on the computer.  Like I said, I have already been sitting here for 3 hours today.  Most people that know me, know that I am terrible at checking my e-mail.  That's because I hate turning on the computer.  It's like a magnet once I turn it on.  I will turn it on to check something and spend an hour doing other stuff before I even get to what I turned it on for.  I look at the clock and realise that I have been sitting there for 2 hours. I hate that about myself.

3.  I know that I don't know good grammar.  You will find a lot of words spelled wrong, punctuation errors, words used wrong and a variety of other mistakes as you read my blog.  Oh well, you have been warned.

4.  What if I fail?  My main reason in starting this blog is to provide myself some public humiliation.  I probably won't fail at that.  I have thought for a long time that I would like to lose some weight.  Once again thinking about something and not doing anything about it.  I want to get myself to a weight less than 200 pounds.  You often times hear that you should make your goals known to other people.  If other people know about your goals, you are more likely to achieve them.  Keeping them to yourself is safer, nobody will know if you are failing, but also makes them harder to achieve. 

Those are four good reasons , to me, that have kept this blog as just an idea.  But more importantly, I have 33 reasons to put my thoughts in action.  My current weight is 233 lbs.  My goal is to lose 33 of those hitchhikers.  And I am going to do it by my birthday.  That's six months from now.  For those of you looking for a calculator, that's just a little more than 5 pounds a month.  That is certainly something I can do. Right?  (This is the part where you go to comments and give me your encouragement).

So I am now open to public humiliation.

Whoa! Who is that walking with my son? And why is he wearing my shirt?  Or at least a larger version of my shirt. How do I get my wife to pull this picture off her facebook page?

My plan is to post my weight on here every Monday morning.  (It should be less than the weight I reported the previous Monday).  During the week I will make small posts about my exercise experiences.  Bicycling is by far my preferred exercise.  I love riding down the road with nothing more than my thoughts.  Something about pedaling down the road just opens the mind and allows for clear thinking.  And the best time of the year to bike is just starting.  Days are getting cooler, love that crisp fall air, and the leaves are changing colors on the trees.  The only thing better would be sunlight earlier in the morning.  A good bike ride takes some time though.  Not every day has a window of free time long enough for a good ride.  So, I am trying to do some running, without hating it.  I don't like to run!  Why does it have to hurt so much?  Is it because I am 40 and out of shape?  But I am trying to work in some runs, when I don't have better options.  I am lucky enough to have a small lake near our house with a nice path around it.  If I am going to run, doing it around a lake is definitely more enjoyable than just running down the road.

I will achieve this goal one day at a time.  I know it is a matter of sticking with the plan, realizing it won't happen over night.  Not getting discouraged when the weight doesn't melt off as fast as I want it to. That's why I titled my blog Win The Day.  It's a reminder to myself to do something every day that will bring me closer to my goal.  But it goes beyond weight loss.  I want to win every day both physically and as a husband and father.  I want to go to bed every night knowing that I made the right decisions that day that led to a winning day.  For myself and my family, I will win the day!