Running back down there gave me a chance to fish Snow Lake for a few hours again. I went alone this time, no kids. This always gives me mixed emotions. I really do enjoy fishing with my kids, despite all of the frustrations that brings with it. I feel a little guilty when I go without them. But, I figured this would be my last trip down there this year and I really wanted to get some fishing in for myself. And I had a new book that I wanted to start reading. Sitting in a chair next to a fishing pole, with a good book, is about as good as it gets. But once you add kids to that picture, it all changes. There is no sitting in a chair. My time is spent moving from kid to kid to untangle lines, re-casting their line because they wanted to reel it in and see if a fish ate the bait, applying band-aids, delivering snacks, drinks, etc. And forget about reading anything for all of the same reasons. I am happy to take the kids along and help them fish, but today I was going to be a little selfish.
What's wrong with this picture? Absolutely nothing |
The fishing started off very fast. I had caught two fish in the first five minutes. I was thinking that if this kept up, I wasn't going to get any reading in. I guess I should be careful what I wish for. After those first two fish, I had plenty of time to read. No more fish. I was reading the newest book by Nicholas Sparks, Safe Haven. I have read many of his books and enjoyed them all. I'm sure this one will be the same.
While driving home, I decided to take the Mt. Nebo scenic loop. I love the fall colors and wanted to get another look at them before they are gone. We also stopped and looked at some rock formations that are called the Devil's Kitchen.
Your daughter is beautiful. And love the pictures.